Tantra for the Everyday Lover

May 13, 2022 00:43:40
Tantra for the Everyday Lover
Love and Libido
Tantra for the Everyday Lover

May 13 2022 | 00:43:40


Show Notes

If you’re like most folks, you’ve probably heard of tantric sex. And while you might be curious about it, you probably can’t imagine ever practicing it with your partner. I mean who has time for that, right…? Think again, my friend. My guest today is going to shed some light on how the everyday couple can incorporate tantric principles into their sex life in a way that deepens intimacy, expands meaning, and enhances emotional and physical pleasure. Good intention, and open heart, and strategic breathing are really all you need to practice tantric sex. Listen today, you’ll thank me later.

Dr. Sally Valentine is a psychotherapist, sex therapist supervisor, who is certified in sex therapy, hypnotherapy, EMDR, and Imago relationship therapy. She has been practicing for over 20 years in Boca Raton, FL. Dr. Valentine creatively teaches Tantra to her clients, couples, and colleagues to enhance their connection, self-awareness, intimacy, sexual competency and to overcome sexual wounds.

Today’s episode is sponsored by BetterHelp, an online therapy platform that has already helped millions. Get 10% off your first month of therapy by visiting www.betterhelp.com/dremily.

If you have a question or a story you would like to share, you can submit it at loveandlibido.com. You can either email in your story or you can record your submission, whatever is easier for you. We always give you the option for us to disguise your voice with our fancy editing software, so no worries there if you would like to remain anonymous. Or if you’re loud and proud, and you want to tell us who are as you share your question, that is fine too. We are also collecting story submissions as well. Visit loveandlibido.com to see what our focus is this month. You can follow me across all the social media channels @dremilyjamea. That’s usually the best place to see what information we are looking for as it relates to topics we are discussing on the show.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to follow & subscribe so that you’ll be notified when a new episode is released. If you like what you’re hearing, don’t forget to leave me a five-star review. Your positive feedback helps me grow so that we can continue having these engaging, informative, and fun conversations.

And don’t forget to check out my online workshop, The Five Sex Languages: Secrets to Long-Lasting Intimacy. Visit www.emilyjamea.com/workshop for your free sample. Subscribers can use code HALFOFF for 50% off the full price of the workshops.

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