Have you ever struggled to reconcile how your faith affects the way you feel about your sexuality? You’re not alone. This is the third of a three-part mini-series on sex and faith. While faith isn’t the focus of this whole podcast, it is something that impacts the way so many people feel about their sexuality, and I thought it would be great to open Season 2 with a deep dive into this very common dilemma. If you haven’t listened to the first episode of this series, when I interview Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale, be sure to go check it out because we discuss some important principles that will guide you as you take in all the important information in this episode.
Today, I have the pleasure of sitting down with Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh, an Iranian-born, LA-based sex and relationship therapist to discuss some truth and lies about sex in the Muslim community. By the way, if you have a story about how religion affected the way you feel about your sexuality, I want to hear about it! As much as we learn from other experts, nothing makes us feel more connected than hearing from our peers. Visit loveandlibido.com to share your story. I’ll compile them and air them on an upcoming episode. Also, if you have a general sex or relationship question, you can submit that too, by visiting loveandlibido.com.
Follow Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, or visit her website.
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If you’re ever interested in learning more, you can find me on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.
And don’t forget to check out my online workshop, The Five Sex Languages: Secrets to Long-Lasting Intimacy. Visit www.emilyjamea.com/workshop for your free sample.
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